Step-By-Step Guide; Luxura X7 Laydown Sunbed

Why should you considering tube changing your own Sunbed?


Choosing to perform your own retubes puts you in control. You can choose exactly when your sunbeds get retubed. This can be especially important for salon owners. Rarely do we have a retubes during times salons aren’t open. Therefore, in order for us to carry out the retube, your salon will be a sunbed down until it is completed. Although we do our best to be as speedy as we can, we do not compromise on quality, therefore as standard we have a time bracket of an hour per sunbed. Can you afford to have your sunbed out of action?

If you can perform your own retubes, you can do this at any time that is most convenient to you! This could be after work hours when your salon is closed to the public, as a result you will not be compromising any sales for your sunbed’s retube!

Cost Savings:

For those who owner their sunbed, this is for you.

To have your sunbed retubed by one of our engineers there is a call-out charge as well as the cost of your new lamps. This call-out charge is a variable cost that also depends on location. On average salons will have two retubes every year, so twice a year they will pay this call-out charge.

Choosing to perform your own retubes will save your salon money. Although you could argue a retube is a fairly irregular cost at only twice a year it is still a cost that your salon has to pay. Your salon can think of this as a saving or alternatively you can think of it as increasing your salons profitability, choosing to do an in-house retube.

Wait Time: 

A Cyrano, there is never a quiet day. Demand for sunbeds in the UK is high, in turn increasing the demand for high-quality, fast servicing. With the increased demand, waiting periods for your sunbed to be serviced will inevitably become longer. This is a massive issue for salons if one of their sunbeds are out-of-use as the time it will take for an engineer to be with you may increase. Choosing to do in-house retubes will help free up an engineer’s time to help out yours and other salons alike with desperate, time urgent service work.

In terms of difficulty, retubes are among one of the easiest tasks that your sunbed will need. Therefore, to alleviate the wait time for tasks that do require a trained engineer you should consider performing your own retubes.

Step 1). Identifying Issues

Before anything else, you want to make sure that your sunbed is working correctly. This means you should run your sunbed for a couple minutes and check out the lamps currently installed. Are they all on? If they are, proceed to step 2.

There are a few reasons why they may not all be working;

  • The lamp needs to be changed
  • The *starter needs to be changed
  • A *ballast needs changing

The first two reasons will most likely be solved with this retube guide. However, if the retube does not solve the issue, you will need an engineer to change a ballast for you. 

Step 2). Releasing the Canopy Acrylic

Requirements: Two people, a 4mm allen key/T-bar

Three T-bar bolts lock in the canopy. These are located along the front rail. See the image for reference. They require a quarter turn to unlock. The bolts are spring-loaded and will hang from their slots when they are released. When completing this make sure to hold the canopy just in case it drops down.

When you have released the canopy, carefully lower it down onto the base of the sunbed. Next, with your partner, each grab one end of the acrylic and gently lift it from the side that is slots in the canopy.

Now carefully remove this acrylic from the room and store it safely until you have completed the retube

Step 3). The White Strips

Requirements: 4mm allen key/T-bar

There are three white strips in the canopy, highlighted in the image. You will need to remove strips two and three. We recommend leaving strip one in until you have removed your lamps. This is for safety as this strip holds the lamps in place and will prevent them from falling.

To remove strip three, grab each end and pull it out. This may be quite stiff to remove so exercise caution.

Strip two is secured by two T-bar bolts that will need to be removed and stored safely until the retube is completed. These bolts can be seen when looking at strip two from the point of view of strip 3.

Step 4). The Face Plates

When strip two has been removed the metal cache that holds the face plates in place is exposed. To remove these face plates, lie down on the sunbed, then hold the plate in place with one hand and push the metal cache back with the other. This will allow you to carefully lower and release the face plates. Repeat this for each face plate, ensuring that you do not drop these plates as they may cause injury to yourself and/or damage your sunbed. Place the removed face plates in a safe location to be cleaned before the new facial bulbs have been installed.

Step 5). Removing the bulbs and tubes in the Canopy

Facial Bulb Removal:

Requirements: gloves

Before removing these bulbs, ensure that they are intact and not broken in any way as this could result in injury.  

The bulbs are secured by two pins at either end of the lamp holder. These pins fit in small diverts at the ends of the bulbs. To remove these, hold the top flat side of the bulb and push down with enough force that you can safely pull the bulb out. Dispose of the old facial bulbs and then repeat the process for the remaining bulbs. 

Canopy Tubes Removal:

Requirements: a partner

Similarly as preparing to remove the facial bulbs, check to make sure none of the lamps are broken otherwise there is risk of injury when handling them.

There are 22-24 tubes in the canopy, each one must be carefully removed with a quarter twist. 

The video demonstrates how we take these lamps out by ourselves. We recommend having a partner present that you can pass the lamps to. 

Step 5a). Removing the Starters

Before you are able to reach your starters you will need to take out the remaining white strip.

When you have removed the white strip and tubes in the canopy you will be able to see the starters. These starters will need to be removed before the cleaning process.

To remove these is very simple. They require a twist and then can easily be pulled out and disposed of. Once one has been removed, take a glance at the starter’s holder to familiarise yourself with how they fit in.

Step 6). Cleaning your Canopy

Requirements: A hoover, a paintbrush

Now that all of the lamps and bulbs have been removed, you can freely start cleaning your canopy. Make sure to use a brush to loosen any dust that may be stuck. Dust is especially prevalent at each end.


Step 7). The Base Acrylic

Requirements: a 4mm allen key/T-bar

The base acrylic is locked down by two T-bar bolts at each end on the front of the acrylic. These require a quarter turn to unlock. Once unlocked you can lift the base acrylic up from the center until it is supported by the arms on each side.

Over time these arms can become weak so ensure that they can take the weight of the acrylic before continuing.

Step 8). The White Strips PT2

Requirements: a 4mm allen key/T-bar 

Upon lifting the acrylic, you will see white strips one and two, these will need to be removed to access your lamps. Simply, use the T-bar to remove the four bolts while ensuring they do not fall between your lamps. Once removed, place to one side until the retube is completed.

Step 9). Removing the tubes and starters in the base

Now that you have access to the tubes, begin removing these exactly as you removed those in the canopy. You may find that the first and third sections will be harder to remove. There is a metal lip that hangs over the last tubes in section one and the first tubes in section three. This can be made easier by pushing on the metal at one end, allowing you to be able to lift the lamp out. Depending on your sunbed there may be slits cut out in these metal lips that the lamps can be removed through.

Once all the lamps are removed, you are ready to remove your starters. Follow the same steps taken when removing the starters in the canopy.

Step 10). Cleaning your Base

Requirements: A hoover, a paint brush, Smart Clean, tissues

With all the tubes removed, you can now freely clean your base. Dust will fall all over your base, be sure to use your brush and hoover the whole way across.

While you have your base acrylic suspended, take the time to give the underside a clean. Spray down with some Smart Clean and wipe with tissues to get rid of any dust that has collected underneath.

Step 11a). Cleaning your Filters!

Requirements: A hoover, a paint brush

Your filters can become very clogged with dust and will need to be removed and cleaned before moving to the next steps.

Your sunbed will have three filters; two under the base, and one behind the canopy’s facials.

To access the two base filters, lift up the front panel when your base acrylic is raised, this will expose underneath your sunbed. This whole area is prone to collecting dust, you may want to take the time to hoover in and around this area.

The two filters can be pulled out on each side of your sunbed. They can be taken out of their tray and cleaned. Once completed, place the clean filters back in their trays and push the tray back in place.

Step 11b). Cleaning your Filters!

Requirements: A hoover, a paint brush

Your final filter is located behind the head end of your sunbed. It can be accessed one of two ways; if you can get round the back of your sunbed, perfect, or if you have long arms and can reach over the top of your sunbed with the canopy closed, great! 

Again, give this filter a clean to remove the dust and place it back in its holder.

Step 12). Retubing your Sunbed

Now your Sunbed has been cleaned you are now ready to start the installation process. 

Firstly, you will need to replace the starters in both the base and the canopy. These can be a fiddly install in the canopy however, with time you will become an expert!  

Step 12a). Retubing your Sunbed; The Facials

Requirements: Gloves

To install your new facial bulbs all you will need is a steady pair of hands and a pair of gloves. Facial bulbs can produce hotspots from the oils on your hands, as a result wearing gloves is recommended. These facial bulbs are installed exactly how they are removed. Grab hold of the top flat part of the bulb and line the bottom up with the pin on the holder. Then you will need to push that end down so that you can line the top end up with the other pin on the holder. When you are sure that it is lined up correctly you can move on to the next facial bulb.

When you have reinstalled each facial bulb you can then reinstall your face plates. Carefully place the top end behind its slot, and with your other hand press back the metal cache and make sure you push the plate full into position before releasing the cache or the plate itself.

Keep your hand on the face plate at all time until you are certain that is is secured back in place.

Step 12b). Retubing your Sunbed; The Canopy

Before you start to retube your canopy double-check all new starters have been installed. Following your starters, we recommend that you reinstall the white strip at the foot end. This is for safety reasons as it will help to hold your lamps in place even if they are not installed correctly at this end. With the strip in place they will not fall and break. When you have completed this step you can begin to install the new lamps in your canopy.

To install, insert the pins into the lamp holder at the foot-end first followed by the head-end, then twist to lock in place. Ensure that the label is facing out and is at the foot-end for a more aesthetically pleasing sunbed. Repeat this for each tube in the canopy.

If you find that you are unable to get one of your lamps in, check on each lamp holder as these can be twisted during removal. If this is the case, using your finger, re-align the lamp holder so the pins of the lamp can enter.

Step 12c). Retubing your Sunbed; The Base

Installing your new lamps in the base is straight-forward. As aforementioned you may find the first and third section the most difficult. Ensure that you install these harder sections first as you will not be able to install the lamps if the other lamps are in already.

Similarly as with the canopy, if you are struggling with a lamp, check both lamp holders to make sure they are aligned.

Step 13). Testing your Sunbed

Now that you have installed all your new lamps and placed your facial plates back in place, you can now test your sunbed to make sure all the lamps are working.

There are a few reasons why they might not be:

  • Incorrectly installed lamps
    • Take it out and put it in correctly
  • Dead lamp from factory
    • Replace this lamp with a spare
  • Dead starter from factory
    • Replace starter with a spare

Still not working?

  • Ballast is blown
    • This will require an engineer call out as this is quite a challenging change

When you have tested your sunbed and all the lamps are working you can continue the installation process.

Step 14). The White Strips PT3

Requirements: A 4mm allen key/ T-bar

You are now ready to start reinstalling the white strips for both the base and the canopy. Locate the bolts that you put to one side and secure the two white strips back in the base and then lower the acrylic. You can then move on to the canopy, starting with the remaining two end white strips.

Step 15). The Canopy Acrylic

Requirements: Two people, a 4mm allen key/T-bar

Now everything is back in place, it is time to reinstall the canopy acrylic. With a partner, carefully pick your acrylic up and position the back within the small ridge on the bottom of the canopy. Once in place make sure that there is an equal gap on either end of the acrylic where it fits in the canopy.

Take the time now to give your acrylic a clean, dust from the canopy can build up on this side of your acrylic. Using smart clean and tissue, gently wipe down your acrylic, exercise caution and do not apply too much pressure to avoid damaging your acrylic.

Once positioned you can lift it up and hold it there while you use your T-bar to secure the bolts. If these bolts do not twist and tighten you may need to lower it back down and readjust its position.

Step 16). Final Clean

Requirements: SmartClean, tissue

Finally, to complete your retube, spray down the canopy acrylic and your base acrylic and give the both a clean!

If you have followed all these steps, congratulations are in order! You’re a natural!

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