Luxura V6 filter mats on show on the side of the bed

The Importance of Keeping Your Filter Mats Clean!

The Importance of your Filter Mats

Whether you rent or own the sunbeds in your salon, it is vital that you keep your filter mats clean. These play a huge role in preventing dust from circling through your sunbed. Your sunbed is effectively a giant hoover, when it is running it pulls air from the surrounding area to prevent it from overheating. Your filter mats help to prevent dust and grim being pulled into places it should not be, it is in the name, they act as a’filter’.

When your filter mats become clogged up with dust this will inhibit your sunbeds ability to pull in air, which in turn can cause your bed to store excess heat. In this post we will refresh your memory on the location of your filter mats as well as how you should be looking after these. If you can take steps to ensure your filter mats are always clean, your sunbed and the engineers who come to tube change will thank you! There is nothing better than a salon that looks after their beds and keep them clean!

Where are your Filter Mats?

The location of your filter mats vary depending on the type of bed that you own. You can find our rental fleet’s filter mat locations.

Luxura X7 filter mat location
Luxura X7 Filter mat location

Luxura X7

The Luxura X7 has three filter mats. Two are located underneath the base and can be easily pulled out with the white handle.

Luxura X7 canopy filter mat

As shown in the images above the Luxura X7 filter mats exposed after the following steps have been taken; firstly, lift up your acrylic – you may require the tool left by one of engineers to unlock your acrylic – , secondly, lifting up your front panel, thirdly, locate your filter mats on the left and right hand side and pull from the white handles to remove.

The Final Filter Mat is located on the right-hand side on the back of the canopy. It is accessible by maneuvering behind or with a stretch, over the top with the canopy shut.

Luxura V6 filter mat location
Luxura V6 Filter mat location

Luxura V6

The Luxura V6 has two filter mats located on each of the side acrylics. These can easily be removed and tucked back in place.

V6 filter mat removed from side acrylic

As shown in the images above, the Luxura V6/V8 filter mats are very easy to locate and remove. Simply locate them on each side of your side panels and pull them out. They can easily be slotted back into place when you are finished cleaning them.

How do I keep my Filter Mats clean?

Luxura X7 cleaning
Luxura X7 filter mat cleaning

The above shows how one of our helpful engineers tackles clogged filters on your Luxura X7. All that is needed is a hover.

Simply pull out your filter tray, remove the filter mat and proceed to hoover the dust build-up off the mat. Make sure to hoover the tray itself as there may also be dust clogged there.

The Final Filter Mat is small and square and is your facial filter. It can be cleaned the same way as the other two.

Luxura V6 filter cleaning
V6 filter mat pulled out

The above shows a Luxura V6/V8 filter mat that has been removed. To clean tis it is very simple; lay it out on the floor and use a hoover to remove all of the dust that has been collected.

When the cleaning has been completed you can then slot the filter mat back into place on the side covers. Repeat for both sides of your Luxura stand-up.

Clean versus Dusty

Luxura V6 Comparison
Luxura X7 Comparison

The Importance of Clean Filter mats

Briefly mentioned beforehand clean filters will help ensure your bed does not overheat. Many overheating issues are easily avoided by ensuring clogged filters are kept to a minimum. Such a common issue yet one of the easiest issues to fix. Clean beds, happy customers, repeat business. I imagine you take care of your home, keeping it clean and tidy, your salon and your sunbeds should be no exception. Who would want to use a dusty sunbed? Clean sunbeds and salons will ensure optimum customer satisfaction and encourage higher repeat business. This concludes our friendly reminder… Clean your filters!

If you require any further information please do not hesitate to get in touch with one of our helpful members of staff who can assist you further.

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