Swedish Beauty Sustain Intensifier is the most powerful Intensifier in the Swedish Beauty collection. Ideal for those looking for a powerful punch of natural colour and great anti-ageing skincare.
Sustainability: Acting responsibly so that our planet’s resources can support us for generations to come.
Swedish Beauty® truly believe that what you put on your body should be just as important as what you put into it. Therefore, their lotions contain only the best ingredients for top quality performance and skincare. Carefully crafted with all skin types in mind, Swedish Beauty® only use wholesome ingredients that are sustainable, organic, natural and fair-trade wherever possible. These whole ingredients also work to improve skin’s overall appearance. What’s more, all of their lotions promise to be silicone, gluten, paraben, nut, soy and BPA free. Swedish Beauty® are proud to follow sustainable practices, by using recycled plastics and cardboards as well as by purchasing fairtrade, making this brand the ideal choice for the eco-conscious. Due to this dedication to the environment, Swedish Beauty have carefully crafted a collection of high quality, effective lotions that feature Sustainable, Organic and Natural ingredients to make your skin, tan and heart happy!
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